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<languages /><br />Meteobridge stellt einen sehr flexiblen Ersetzungsmechanismus zur Verfügung, mit dem definierte Variable durch konkrete Sensorwerte ersetzt werden. Dies erlaubt in beliebigen Zeichenketten Meteobridge Variable "einzuschmuggeln", seien es E-Mail, HTML-Seiten, Alarmbedingungen, etc.
<languages /><br />Meteobridge provides a very flexible mechanism to smuggle sensor data of different kinds into strings to be used by Meteobrdge push services like Twitter, HTTP GET uploads or MSQL database insert requests.
Die Variable werden in dem Moment, in dem die Zeichenkette an den Upload zum Zieldienst übergeben wird surch reale Werte ersetzte. Kann das Datenpaket nicht zugestellt werden, wird die Zustellung gegebenenfalls wiederholt, jedoch mit den bei der Erstbeauftragung eingesetzten Daten.
Simply type in the text you want to upload and represent the pieces of sensor data by so called variables. When data gets uploaded, these variables will be replaced by current sensor data and so a string filled with the data you intended will be uploaded.
Jede Variable beginnt und endet mit einer eckigen Klammer "[" und "]". Die Variable in diesen Klammern zeigt die folgende Struktur: <pre>Sensor-Selektor=Konverter.Dezimalstellen:Ersatzzeichenkette</pre>
Each variable starts with an opening square bracket "[" and is terminated by a closing square bracket "]". The structure of the variable name between these brackets is as follows: <pre>sensor-selector=converter.decimals:replacement</pre>
"Konverter", "Dezimalstellen" und "Ersatzzeichenkette" kann weggelassen werden, "Sensor" und "Selektor" müssen angegeben werden.
"converter", "decimals" and "replacement" can be omitted, "sensor" and "type" are mandatory.
Während "Sensor" festlegt, um welchen Sensor es sich handelt und welcher Sensorwert verwendten werden soll, gibt "Selektor" an, welche Zeitperiode ausgewertet werden soll. Mit "Konverter" kann optional eine Umrechnung in andere Maßeinheiten realisiert werden. Die "Dezimalstellen"-Angabe bestimmt die numerische Auflösung der Daten und die "Ersatzzeichenkette" bestimmt den Wert, der ausgegeben wird, wenn kein Sensorwert für den definierten Zeitraum vorliegt.
While "sensor" tells what sensor and what piece of information of the sensor to use, "selector" decides data from what time period should be taken into account and "converter" does convert data into measurement units the user likes most. "Decimals" decides about precision the result should be shown in and "replacement" gives the string to be returned when there is no data for defined sensor available.
Diese Sensoren sind in Meteobridge definiert:
These sensors are defined in Meteobridge.
* '''th0temp''': Außentemperatur in Grad Celsius
* '''th0temp''': outdoor temperature in degrees Celsius
* '''th0hum''': Relative Außenluftfeuchte in Prozent
* '''th0hum''': relative outdoor humidity as percentage
* '''th0dew''': Außentaupunkttemperatur in Grad Celsius
* '''th0dew''': outdoor dew point in degrees Celsius
* '''thb0temp''': Innentemperatur in Grad Celsius
* '''thb0temp''': indoor temperature in degrees Celsius
* '''thb0hum''': Innenluftfeuchte in Prozent
* '''thb0hum''': indoor humidity as percentage
* '''thb0dew''': Innentaupunkttemperatur in Grad Celsius
* '''thb0dew''': indoor dewpoint in degrees Celsius
* '''thb0press''': Stationsluftdruck in hPa
* '''thb0press''': station pressure in hPa
* '''thb0seapress''': auf Meeresspiegelhöhe berechneter Luftdruck in hPa
* '''thb0seapress''': normalized pressure (computed to sea level) in hPa
* '''wind0wind''': ungemittelte Windgeschindigkeit in m/s
* '''wind0wind''': wind speed in m/s
* '''wind0avgwind''': gemittelte Windgeschindigkeit in m/s
* '''wind0avgwind''': average windspeed in m/s (time used for average depends on station)
* '''wind0dir''': Windrichtung in Grad (0° ist Norden)
* '''wind0dir''': wind direction in degress (0° is North)
* '''wind0chill''': Windchill-Temperatur in Grad Celsius
* '''wind0chill''': wind chill temperature in degrees Celsius
* '''rain0rate''': Regenrate in mm/h
* '''rain0rate''': rain rate in mm/h
* '''rain0total''': gefallene Regenmenge in mm
* '''rain0total''': rain fall in mm
* '''uv0index''': UV-Index
* '''uv0index''': uv index
* '''sol0rad''': Solarstrahlung in W/m^2
* '''sol0rad''': solar radiation in W/m^2
Wenn ein Sensor nicht existiert oder seine Daten älter als das maximal tolerierte Sensordatenalter sind, wird Meteohub keine Daten einsetzen und sofern definiert, stattdessen die Ersatzzeichenkette einsetzen. Falls keine Ersatzzeichenkette definiert ist, bleibt die Variable unersetzt als Zeichenkette stehen.
If a sensor is not there or data of sensor has passed the "tolerated data age" interval, Meteobridge will not provide data for it and will present the value defined as "replacement". If no replacement is given, variable will not be converted into data but will stay as is.
Some stations do support additional temp/hum sensors. These will be enumerated as "th1temp", "th1hum", "th1dew", and so on. "Live Data" tab will illustrate what sensor number matches what current data. When you have a fully equiped Davis Vantage you might also have soil and leaf sensors. These are also reported as temp/hum sensors, but there is no dewpoint data computed for these types of sensors. soil sensors are enumerated as "th10temp", "th10hum", ..., "th13temp", "th13hum" and leaf sensors are listed as "th15temp", "th15hum", ..., "th18temp", "th18hum". "hum" values do not represent relative humidity in that case but data in units "cbar" and "wet". However, Meteobridge does not invent new unit selectors for it, so you have to use "hum" as a generic selector to get "cbar" and wetness data from the soil/leaf sensors.
Den "Sensoren" folgt eine Selektorbezeichnung (durch ein "-" getrennt) mit der der auszuwertende Zeitraum oder Zeitpunkt angegeben wird. Die folgenden Selektoren sind definiert:
* '''act''': aktuelle Daten
* '''hmin''': Minimum der aktuellen Stunde
* '''hmax''': Maximum der aktuellen Stunde
* '''dmin''': Minimum von Heute
* '''dmax''': Maximum von Heute
* '''ydmin''': Minimum von Gestern
* '''ydmax''': Maximum von Gestern
* '''mmin''': Minimum dieses Monats
* '''mmax''': Maximum dieses Monats
* '''ymin''': Minimum dieses Jahres
* '''ymax''': Maximum dieses Jahres
* '''amin''': Minimum des gesamten Aufzeichnungszeitraumes
* '''amax''': Maximum des gesamten Aufzeichnungszeitraumes
* '''daysum oder sumday''', '''ydaysum''', '''monthsum''', '''yearsum''', '''allsum''', '''ydaysum''': selektiert die Summe an Inkremente für Heute, Gestern, diesen Monat, dieses Jahr, gesamten Aufzeichnungszeitraum. Beispiel: "rain0total-sumday" ist die heutige Regenmenge.
Neben obigen Selektoren, die fest definierte Zeitfenster selektieren, kann mit den folgenden Selektoren eine Auswertung für einen relativen Zeitraum in die Vergangenheit durchgeführt serden. Die Rückschau reicht wegen der begrenzten Speicherausstattung der Meteobridge nur bis zu 60 Minuten in die Vergangenheit.
* '''max2''', '''max5''', '''max10''', '''max15''', '''max30''', '''max60''': selektiert das Maximum der letzten 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 oder 60 Minuten
Sensors are followed by a selector (syntactically separated by a dash) that specifies what period in time should be used for evaluation. Valid selectors are:
* '''min2''', '''min5''', '''min10''', '''min15''', '''min30''', '''min60''': selektiert das Minimum der letzten 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 oder 60 Minuten
* '''act''': most recent data
* '''avg2''', '''avg5''', '''avg10''', '''avg15''', '''avg30''', '''avg60''': selektiert den Durchschnitt der letzten 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 oder 60 Minuten
* '''hmin''': minimum value of this hour
* '''sum2''', '''sum5''', '''sum10''', '''sum15''', '''sum30''', '''sum60''': selektiert zusammengerechnete Deltawerte der letzten 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 oder 60 Minuten, welches zum Berechnen der gefallenen Regenmenge im definierten Zeitraum erforderlich ist. Beispiel: "rain0total-sum60" ergebit die gefallene Regenmenge in mm der letzten 60 Minuten.
* '''hmax''': maximum value of this hour
* '''dmin''': minimum value of today
* '''dmax''': maximum value of today
* '''ydmin''': minimum value of yesterday
* '''ydmax''': maximum value of yesterday
* '''mmin''': minimum value of this month
* '''mmax''': maximum value of this month
* '''ymin''': minimum value of this year
* '''ymax''': maximum value of this year
* '''amin''': minimum value of all time
* '''amax''': maximum value of all time
* '''daysum or sumday''', '''monthsum''', '''yearsum''', '''allsum''', '''ydaysum''': selects summerized delta values from today, this month, this year, all time or yesterday: "rain0total-sumday" is todays rain fall.
When you are interested in timestamps of min/max values, you can make use of these selectors:
Dei Sensordaten werden als Voreinstellung in ISO Einheiten berichtet (°C, hPa, mm, m/s). Durch den Einsatz von Konvertern können die Einheiten auf non-ISO Einheiten umgerechnet werden. Definierte Konverter sind:
* '''hmintime''': timestamp of minimum value of this hour
* '''F''' wandelt die Temperature von Celsius in Fahrenheit um.
* '''hmaxtime''': timestamp of maximum value of this hour
* '''psi''' wandelt Luftdruck von hPa (entspricht auch mbar) in psi um.
* '''dmintime''': timestamp of minimum value of today
* '''mmHg''' wandelt Luftdruck von hPa in Millimeter Quecksilbersäule um.
* '''dmaxtime''': timestamp of maximum value of today
* '''inHg''' wandelt Luftdruck von hPa in Inch Quecksilbersäule um.
* '''ydmintime''': timestamp of minimum value of yesterday
* '''kmh''' wandelt Windgeschwindigkeit von m/s in Kilometer pro Stunde um.
* '''ydmaxtime''': timestamp of maximum value of yesterday
* '''mph''' wandelt Windgeschwindigkeit von m/s in Meilen pro Stunde um.
* '''mmintime''': timestamp of minimum value of this month
* '''kn''' wandelt Windgeschwindigkeit von m/s in Knoten um.
* '''mmaxtime''': timestamp of maximum value of this month
* '''bft''' wandelt Windgeschwindigkeit von m/s in die Beaufort-Skala um.
* '''ymintime''': timestamp of minimum value of this year
* '''in''' wandelt der Regenmenge von mm in Inch um.
* '''ymaxtime''': timestamp of maximum value of this year
Wird eine unbekannte Konvertierung gewählt, findet keine Umrechnung statt un es erfolgt keine Fehlermeldung.
* '''amintime''': timestamp of minimum value of all time
* '''amaxtime''': timestamp of maximum value of all time
* '''starttime''': timestamp of first recorded value
Timestamps are strings of format "YYYYMMDDhhmmss". Year "YYYY" is reported in 4 digits, all other values (month "MM", day "DD", hour "hh", minute "mm", second "ss") come with 2 digits, leading zeros are not supressed.  
Apart from selectors that use absolute, predefined time slots there are also selectors that look for a certain amount of time into the past.
Es sind eine reihe von Spezialvariable definiert, die nicht dem Schema "Sensor-Selektor=Konverter" entsprechen, sondern einer Sonderbedeutung haben.
* '''val2''', '''val5''', '''val10''', '''val15''', '''val30''', '''val60''': selects the value the sensor has shown 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes ago
* '''max2''', '''max5''', '''max10''', '''max15''', '''max30''', '''max60''': selects the maximum value from the last 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes
* '''min2''', '''min5''', '''min10''', '''min15''', '''min30''', '''min60''': selects the minimum value from the last 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes
* '''avg2''', '''avg5''', '''avg10''', '''avg15''', '''avg30''', '''avg60''': selects average value from the last 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes
* '''sum2''', '''sum5''', '''sum10''', '''sum15''', '''sum30''', '''sum60''': selects summerized delta values from the last 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes, which is useful to get amount of total rain in a certain time frame: "rain0total-sum60" is rainfall im mm of last 60 minutes.
Datum und Uhrzeit ist wie folgt definiert:
* '''YYYY''': Jahr, vierstellig
Sensor data is reported in ISO units (°C, hPa, mm, m/s) by default, but can be converted into non-ISO units (imperial) by adding a conversion token. Defined tokens are:
* '''YY''': Jahr, zweistellig
* '''F''' converts temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
* '''MM''': Monat, zweistellig (ggf mit führender Null)
* '''psi''' converts pressure from hPa (equivalent to mbar) to psi.
* '''M''': Monat (ohne führende Null)
* '''mmHg''' converts pressure from hPa to millimeters of mercury.
* '''DD''': Tag, zweistellig (ggf mit führender Null)
* '''inHg''' converts pressure from hPa to inches of mercury.
* '''D''': Tag (ohne führende Null)
* '''kmh''' converts wind speed from meters per second to kilometers per hour.
* '''hh''': Stunde, zweistellig (ggf mit führende Null)
* '''mph''' converts wind speed from meters per second to miles per hour.
* '''h''': Stunde (ohne führende Null)
* '''kn''' converts wind speed from meters per second to knots.
* '''mm''': Minuten, zweistellig (ggf mit führender Null)
* '''bft''' converts wind speed from meters per second to Beaufort scale.
* '''m''': Minuten (ohne führende Null)
* '''in''' converts millimeters to inches.
* '''ss''': Sekunden, zweistellig (ggf mit führender Null)
* '''ft''' converts meters to feet.
* '''s''': Sekunden (ohne führende NuLL)
* '''endir''' converts a wind direction into one of 16 English direction texts.
Wenn ein großes "U" vorangestellt ist, wird mit Weltzeit gearbeitet (UTC), ansonsten mit lokaler Zeit. Beispiel: "[Uhh]:[Umm]:[Uss] UTC" wird zu einer Zeichenkette der Art "16:03:33 UTC" übersetzt
* '''dedir''' converts a wind direction into one of 16 German direction texts.
If an unknown conversion string is used, no conversion will take place, no error message will appear.
When variable returns a timestamp, then this converter can be applied:
Sofern nicht anders definiert werden Zahlen mit einer Dezimalstelle berichtet. Durch Setzen des Wertes für die Nachkommastellen kann die Anzahl der bei der Ausgabe verwendten Dezimalstellen bestimmt werden.
* '''utc''' reports timestamp in UTC instead of localtime, which is default.
==System Variables==
Wenn eine Variable nicht definiert ist oder keinen gültigen Wert liefern kann, werden wird die spezifizierte Ersatzzeichenkette ausgegeben, die auch leer sein kann. Fehlt die Angabe der Ersatzzeichenkette bleibt die Variabledefinition unverändert in der Zeichenkette stehen und wird nicht ersetzt.
Meteobridge provides some additional variables that tell details not directly related to weather conditions. Sensor name is "mbsystem", defined selectors are:
* '''swversion''': Meteobridge version string (example: "1.1")
* '''buildnum''': build number as integer (example: 1673)
* '''platform''': string that specifies hw platform (example: "TL-MR3020")
* '''language''': language used on Meteobridge's web interface (example: "English")
* '''timezone''': defined timezone (example: "Europe/Berlin")
* '''latitude''': latitude as float (example: 53.875120)
* '''longitude''': longitude as float (example: 9.885357)
* '''lunarage''': days passes since new moon as integer (example: 28)
* '''lunarpercent''': lunarphase given as percentage from 0% (new moon) to 100% (full moon)
* '''lunarsegment''': lunarphase segment as integer (0 = new moon, 1-3 = growing moon: quarter, half, three quarters, 4 = full moon, 5-7 = shrinking moon: three quarter, half, quarter)
* '''daylength''': length of day (example: "11:28")
* '''civildaylength''': alternative method for daylength computation (example: "12:38")
* '''nauticaldaylength''': alternative method for daylength computation (example: "14:00")
* '''sunrise''': time of sunrise in local time. Can be converterd to UTC by applying "=utc" to the variable (example: "06:47", resp. "05:47")
* '''sunset'''. time of sunset in local time. Can be converterd to UTC by applying "=utc" to the variable (example: "18:15", resp. "17:15")
* '''civilsunrise''', '''civilsunset''', '''nauticalsunrise''', '''nauticalsunset''': alternative computations for sunset and sunrise.
* '''daynightflag''': returns "D" when there is daylight, otherwise "N".
* '''moonrise''': time of moonrise in local time. Can be converterd to UTC by applying "=utc" to the variable. Please notice that not every day has a moonrise time, therefore, variable can be non-existent on certain days (example: "05:46", resp. "04:46")
* '''moonset''': time of moonset in local time. Can be converterd to UTC by applying "=utc" to the variable. Please notice that not every day has a moonset time, therefore, variable can be non-existent on certain days (example: "17:00", resp. "16:00")
==Time/Date Variables==
Variables representing current date/time don't come as "sensor-selector=converter" chains but have a distinct meaning by themselves.
Date und time variables are defined as follows:
* '''YYYY''': year as four digit number
* '''YY''': year as two digit number
* '''MM''': month as two digit number, if only one digit neede a zero will be used as first digit
* '''M''': month as one or two digit number, no leading zeros
* '''DD''': day of month as two digit number, if only one digit neede a zero will be used as first digit
* '''D''': day of month as one or two digit number, no leading zeros
* '''hh''': hour as two digit number, if only one digit neede a zero will be used as first digit
* '''h''': hour as one or two digit number, no leading zeros
* '''mm''': minute as two digit number, if only one digit neede a zero will be used as first digit
* '''m''': minute as one or two digit number, no leading zeros
* '''ss''': seconds as two digit number, if only one digit neede a zero will be used as first digit
* '''s''': seconds as one or two digit number, no leading zeros
When a capital "U" preceeds a date/time variable name, UTC is used instead of local time ("[Uhh]:[Umm]:[Uss] UTC" is evaluated to a string like "16:03:33 UTC")
Unless otherwise defined numbers are reported with one decimal. By specifying a value for "decimals" you can determine resolution of presented values.
When variable returns a string instead of a number (in case of a timestamp for example), "decimal" specification does have a different format and meaning, which allows to select a substring. Specification of the substring consists of two lower-case letters. The first one specifies start point of the substring, second leter the position of last character of the string to be reported. For example, when string is timestamp "20130303121055" a specification of ".ad" selects a substring from first character (position code "a") until fourth character (position code "d"). When you want to grab the time for lowest outdoor temperature of today the template for that will be <font face="Courier"><span style="background-color:lightgrey;">[th0temp-dmintime.ij:--]:[th0temp-dmintime.kl:--]</span></font face>. "ij" selects the hour part at position 9-10 and "kl" selects minute part at position 11-12 of the timestamp.
When a variable is not defined or there is no data for a specified sensor, information specified as "replacement" string will be represented instead.
Line 91: Line 140:
# Template <font face="Courier"><span style="background-color:lightgrey;">Outdoor temperature is [th0temp-act=F.1:--]°F</span></font face> will be converted into <font face="Courier"><span style="background-color:lightgrey;">Outdoor temperature is 3.4°F</span></font face> when there is outdoor temp data and into <font face="Courier"><span style="background-color:lightgrey;">Outdoor temperature is --°F</span></font face> if outdoor temp sensor does not provide recent data.
# Template <font face="Courier"><span style="background-color:lightgrey;">Outdoor temperature is [th0temp-act=F.1:--]°F</span></font face> will be converted into <font face="Courier"><span style="background-color:lightgrey;">Outdoor temperature is 3.4°F</span></font face> when there is outdoor temp data and into <font face="Courier"><span style="background-color:lightgrey;">Outdoor temperature is --°F</span></font face> if outdoor temp sensor does not provide recent data.
# Template <font face="Courier"><span style="background-color:lightgrey;">Local time is [hh]:[mm]</span></font face> will be converted into <font face="Courier"><span style="background-color:lightgrey;">09:27</span></font face>.
# Template <font face="Courier"><span style="background-color:lightgrey;">Local time is [hh]:[mm]</span></font face> will be converted into <font face="Courier"><span style="background-color:lightgrey;">Local time is 09:27</span></font face>.
# Template <font face="Courier"><span style="background-color:lightgrey;">Max gust in last 10 minutes was: [wind0wind-max10.1:--]m/s, [wind0wind-max10=mph.1:--]mph, [wind0wind-max10=kn.0:--]kn</span></font face> will be converted into <font face="Courier"><span style="background-color:lightgrey;">Max gust in last 10 minutes was: 10.5m/s, 23.5mph, 20kn</span></font face>.
# Template <font face="Courier"><span style="background-color:lightgrey;">Max gust in last 10 minutes was: [wind0wind-max10.1:--]m/s, [wind0wind-max10=mph.1:--]mph, [wind0wind-max10=kn.0:--]kn</span></font face> will be converted into <font face="Courier"><span style="background-color:lightgrey;">Max gust in last 10 minutes was: 10.5m/s, 23.5mph, 20kn</span></font face>.

Revision as of 22:58, 7 April 2013

Other languages:

Meteobridge provides a very flexible mechanism to smuggle sensor data of different kinds into strings to be used by Meteobrdge push services like Twitter, HTTP GET uploads or MSQL database insert requests.

Simply type in the text you want to upload and represent the pieces of sensor data by so called variables. When data gets uploaded, these variables will be replaced by current sensor data and so a string filled with the data you intended will be uploaded.

Each variable starts with an opening square bracket "[" and is terminated by a closing square bracket "]". The structure of the variable name between these brackets is as follows:

"converter", "decimals" and "replacement" can be omitted, "sensor" and "type" are mandatory. While "sensor" tells what sensor and what piece of information of the sensor to use, "selector" decides data from what time period should be taken into account and "converter" does convert data into measurement units the user likes most. "Decimals" decides about precision the result should be shown in and "replacement" gives the string to be returned when there is no data for defined sensor available.


These sensors are defined in Meteobridge.

  • th0temp: outdoor temperature in degrees Celsius
  • th0hum: relative outdoor humidity as percentage
  • th0dew: outdoor dew point in degrees Celsius
  • thb0temp: indoor temperature in degrees Celsius
  • thb0hum: indoor humidity as percentage
  • thb0dew: indoor dewpoint in degrees Celsius
  • thb0press: station pressure in hPa
  • thb0seapress: normalized pressure (computed to sea level) in hPa
  • wind0wind: wind speed in m/s
  • wind0avgwind: average windspeed in m/s (time used for average depends on station)
  • wind0dir: wind direction in degress (0° is North)
  • wind0chill: wind chill temperature in degrees Celsius
  • rain0rate: rain rate in mm/h
  • rain0total: rain fall in mm
  • uv0index: uv index
  • sol0rad: solar radiation in W/m^2

If a sensor is not there or data of sensor has passed the "tolerated data age" interval, Meteobridge will not provide data for it and will present the value defined as "replacement". If no replacement is given, variable will not be converted into data but will stay as is.

Some stations do support additional temp/hum sensors. These will be enumerated as "th1temp", "th1hum", "th1dew", and so on. "Live Data" tab will illustrate what sensor number matches what current data. When you have a fully equiped Davis Vantage you might also have soil and leaf sensors. These are also reported as temp/hum sensors, but there is no dewpoint data computed for these types of sensors. soil sensors are enumerated as "th10temp", "th10hum", ..., "th13temp", "th13hum" and leaf sensors are listed as "th15temp", "th15hum", ..., "th18temp", "th18hum". "hum" values do not represent relative humidity in that case but data in units "cbar" and "wet". However, Meteobridge does not invent new unit selectors for it, so you have to use "hum" as a generic selector to get "cbar" and wetness data from the soil/leaf sensors.


Sensors are followed by a selector (syntactically separated by a dash) that specifies what period in time should be used for evaluation. Valid selectors are:

  • act: most recent data
  • hmin: minimum value of this hour
  • hmax: maximum value of this hour
  • dmin: minimum value of today
  • dmax: maximum value of today
  • ydmin: minimum value of yesterday
  • ydmax: maximum value of yesterday
  • mmin: minimum value of this month
  • mmax: maximum value of this month
  • ymin: minimum value of this year
  • ymax: maximum value of this year
  • amin: minimum value of all time
  • amax: maximum value of all time
  • daysum or sumday, monthsum, yearsum, allsum, ydaysum: selects summerized delta values from today, this month, this year, all time or yesterday: "rain0total-sumday" is todays rain fall.

When you are interested in timestamps of min/max values, you can make use of these selectors:

  • hmintime: timestamp of minimum value of this hour
  • hmaxtime: timestamp of maximum value of this hour
  • dmintime: timestamp of minimum value of today
  • dmaxtime: timestamp of maximum value of today
  • ydmintime: timestamp of minimum value of yesterday
  • ydmaxtime: timestamp of maximum value of yesterday
  • mmintime: timestamp of minimum value of this month
  • mmaxtime: timestamp of maximum value of this month
  • ymintime: timestamp of minimum value of this year
  • ymaxtime: timestamp of maximum value of this year
  • amintime: timestamp of minimum value of all time
  • amaxtime: timestamp of maximum value of all time
  • starttime: timestamp of first recorded value

Timestamps are strings of format "YYYYMMDDhhmmss". Year "YYYY" is reported in 4 digits, all other values (month "MM", day "DD", hour "hh", minute "mm", second "ss") come with 2 digits, leading zeros are not supressed.

Apart from selectors that use absolute, predefined time slots there are also selectors that look for a certain amount of time into the past.

  • val2, val5, val10, val15, val30, val60: selects the value the sensor has shown 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes ago
  • max2, max5, max10, max15, max30, max60: selects the maximum value from the last 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes
  • min2, min5, min10, min15, min30, min60: selects the minimum value from the last 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes
  • avg2, avg5, avg10, avg15, avg30, avg60: selects average value from the last 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes
  • sum2, sum5, sum10, sum15, sum30, sum60: selects summerized delta values from the last 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes, which is useful to get amount of total rain in a certain time frame: "rain0total-sum60" is rainfall im mm of last 60 minutes.


Sensor data is reported in ISO units (°C, hPa, mm, m/s) by default, but can be converted into non-ISO units (imperial) by adding a conversion token. Defined tokens are:

  • F converts temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
  • psi converts pressure from hPa (equivalent to mbar) to psi.
  • mmHg converts pressure from hPa to millimeters of mercury.
  • inHg converts pressure from hPa to inches of mercury.
  • kmh converts wind speed from meters per second to kilometers per hour.
  • mph converts wind speed from meters per second to miles per hour.
  • kn converts wind speed from meters per second to knots.
  • bft converts wind speed from meters per second to Beaufort scale.
  • in converts millimeters to inches.
  • ft converts meters to feet.
  • endir converts a wind direction into one of 16 English direction texts.
  • dedir converts a wind direction into one of 16 German direction texts.

If an unknown conversion string is used, no conversion will take place, no error message will appear.

When variable returns a timestamp, then this converter can be applied:

  • utc reports timestamp in UTC instead of localtime, which is default.

System Variables

Meteobridge provides some additional variables that tell details not directly related to weather conditions. Sensor name is "mbsystem", defined selectors are:

  • swversion: Meteobridge version string (example: "1.1")
  • buildnum: build number as integer (example: 1673)
  • platform: string that specifies hw platform (example: "TL-MR3020")
  • language: language used on Meteobridge's web interface (example: "English")
  • timezone: defined timezone (example: "Europe/Berlin")
  • latitude: latitude as float (example: 53.875120)
  • longitude: longitude as float (example: 9.885357)
  • lunarage: days passes since new moon as integer (example: 28)
  • lunarpercent: lunarphase given as percentage from 0% (new moon) to 100% (full moon)
  • lunarsegment: lunarphase segment as integer (0 = new moon, 1-3 = growing moon: quarter, half, three quarters, 4 = full moon, 5-7 = shrinking moon: three quarter, half, quarter)
  • daylength: length of day (example: "11:28")
  • civildaylength: alternative method for daylength computation (example: "12:38")
  • nauticaldaylength: alternative method for daylength computation (example: "14:00")
  • sunrise: time of sunrise in local time. Can be converterd to UTC by applying "=utc" to the variable (example: "06:47", resp. "05:47")
  • sunset. time of sunset in local time. Can be converterd to UTC by applying "=utc" to the variable (example: "18:15", resp. "17:15")
  • civilsunrise, civilsunset, nauticalsunrise, nauticalsunset: alternative computations for sunset and sunrise.
  • daynightflag: returns "D" when there is daylight, otherwise "N".
  • moonrise: time of moonrise in local time. Can be converterd to UTC by applying "=utc" to the variable. Please notice that not every day has a moonrise time, therefore, variable can be non-existent on certain days (example: "05:46", resp. "04:46")
  • moonset: time of moonset in local time. Can be converterd to UTC by applying "=utc" to the variable. Please notice that not every day has a moonset time, therefore, variable can be non-existent on certain days (example: "17:00", resp. "16:00")

Time/Date Variables

Variables representing current date/time don't come as "sensor-selector=converter" chains but have a distinct meaning by themselves.

Date und time variables are defined as follows:

  • YYYY: year as four digit number
  • YY: year as two digit number
  • MM: month as two digit number, if only one digit neede a zero will be used as first digit
  • M: month as one or two digit number, no leading zeros
  • DD: day of month as two digit number, if only one digit neede a zero will be used as first digit
  • D: day of month as one or two digit number, no leading zeros
  • hh: hour as two digit number, if only one digit neede a zero will be used as first digit
  • h: hour as one or two digit number, no leading zeros
  • mm: minute as two digit number, if only one digit neede a zero will be used as first digit
  • m: minute as one or two digit number, no leading zeros
  • ss: seconds as two digit number, if only one digit neede a zero will be used as first digit
  • s: seconds as one or two digit number, no leading zeros

When a capital "U" preceeds a date/time variable name, UTC is used instead of local time ("[Uhh]:[Umm]:[Uss] UTC" is evaluated to a string like "16:03:33 UTC")


Unless otherwise defined numbers are reported with one decimal. By specifying a value for "decimals" you can determine resolution of presented values.

When variable returns a string instead of a number (in case of a timestamp for example), "decimal" specification does have a different format and meaning, which allows to select a substring. Specification of the substring consists of two lower-case letters. The first one specifies start point of the substring, second leter the position of last character of the string to be reported. For example, when string is timestamp "20130303121055" a specification of ".ad" selects a substring from first character (position code "a") until fourth character (position code "d"). When you want to grab the time for lowest outdoor temperature of today the template for that will be [th0temp-dmintime.ij:--]:[th0temp-dmintime.kl:--]. "ij" selects the hour part at position 9-10 and "kl" selects minute part at position 11-12 of the timestamp.


When a variable is not defined or there is no data for a specified sensor, information specified as "replacement" string will be represented instead.


Having a look at examples usually helps to understand how easy that is.

  1. Template Outdoor temperature is [th0temp-act=F.1:--]°F will be converted into Outdoor temperature is 3.4°F when there is outdoor temp data and into Outdoor temperature is --°F if outdoor temp sensor does not provide recent data.
  2. Template Local time is [hh]:[mm] will be converted into Local time is 09:27.
  3. Template Max gust in last 10 minutes was: [wind0wind-max10.1:--]m/s, [wind0wind-max10=mph.1:--]mph, [wind0wind-max10=kn.0:--]kn will be converted into Max gust in last 10 minutes was: 10.5m/s, 23.5mph, 20kn.