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 h German (de)Datum und Uhrzeit ist wie folgt definiert:
* '''YYYY''': Jahr, vierstellig
* '''YY''': Jahr, zweistellig
* '''MM''': Monat, zweistellig (ggf mit führender Null)
* '''M''': Monat (ohne führende Null)
* '''DD''': Tag, zweistellig (ggf mit führender Null)
* '''D''': Tag (ohne führende Null)
* '''hh''': Stunde in 24h-Notation, zweistellig (ggf mit führende Null)
* '''h''': Stunde in 24h-Notation (ohne führende Null)
* '''HH''': Stunde in 12h-Notation, zweistellig (ggf mit führende Null)
* '''H''': Stunde in 12h-Notation (ohne führende Null)
* '''apm''': ergibt "am" oder "pm" je nach Tageszeit
* '''APM''': ergibt "AM" oder "PM" je nach Tageszeit
* '''mm''': Minuten, zweistellig (ggf mit führender Null)
* '''m''': Minuten (ohne führende Null)
* '''ss''': Sekunden, zweistellig (ggf mit führender Null)
* '''s''': Sekunden (ohne führende NuLL)
Wenn ein großes "U" vorangestellt ist, wird mit Weltzeit gearbeitet (UTC), ansonsten mit lokaler Zeit. Beispiel: "[Uhh]:[Umm]:[Uss] UTC" wird zu einer Zeichenkette der Art "16:03:33 UTC" übersetzt
* '''epoch''': Anzahl von Sekunden seit dem 1.1.1970
 h English (en)Date und time variables are defined as follows:
* '''YYYY''': year as four digit number
* '''YY''': year as two digit number
* '''MMM''': month as three character English abbreviation ("Jan", Feb", ...)
* '''MM''': month as two digit number, if only one digit needed a zero will be used as first digit
* '''M''': month as one or two digit number, no leading zeros
* '''DD''': day of month as two digit number, if only one digit needed a zero will be used as first digit
* '''D''': day of month as one or two digit number, no leading zeros
* '''hh''': hour in 24h notation as two digit number, if only one digit needed a zero will be used as first digit
* '''h''': hour in 24h notation as one or two digit number, no leading zeros
* '''HH''': hour in 12h notation as two digit number, if only one digit needed a zero will be used as first digit
* '''H''': hour in 12h notation as one or two digit number, no leading zeros
* '''apm''': returns "am" or "pm" to be added to 12h time notations
* '''APM''': returns "AM" or "PM" to be added to 12h time notations
* '''mm''': minute as two digit number, if only one digit needed a zero will be used as first digit
* '''m''': minute as one or two digit number, no leading zeros
* '''ss''': seconds as two digit number, if only one digit needed a zero will be used as first digit
* '''s''': seconds as one or two digit number, no leading zeros
When a capital "U" preceeds a date/time variable name, UTC is used instead of local time ("[Uhh]:[Umm]:[Uss] UTC" is evaluated to a string like "16:03:33 UTC")
* '''epoch''': epochtime as defined in Unix (seconds since January 1, 1970)