Translations:Getting Started/26/en

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Back to Defaults

When you have misconfigured the network or system password in a way that you can't no longer reach Meteobridge, you can revert the system back to defaults by pressing the button on the top of TL-MR3020 / WL-330N3G or the reset button of TL-WR703N at the back behind a pin hole. By pushing these buttons (during normal Meteobridge operation, not during boot) you can revert to defaults in three ways.

  1. Reset to default network operation is done by pressing the button and keeping it pressed until LED goes on again for the first time. Now release button and system will restart with default network configuration, which is LAN DHCP client mode. Network settings done before are still stored inside meteobridge when unit has started in LAN DHCP client mode, but these will need additional "Save" clicks to be made active again.
  2. Reset password is done by pressing button and keeping it pressed until LED goes on for the second time. Meteobridge will reboot and will be available with default password via ssh (user root, password meteobridge) and http (user meteobridge, password meteobridge).
  3. Reset to factory defaults is done by pressing the button and keeping it pressed until LED goes on again for the fifth time. This will delete all user settings changes made to the file system of the unit. Stored historical data will be erased. Licence will remain untouched. Unit will reboot automatically with default network settings and password.