Translations:Add-On Services/1/en

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Web server of Meteobridge client, which presents web interface for adminstration to you, can also deliver weather data. There are three URLs defined that can be polled to get most recent sensor data in a standard XML or plain text format or in user-defined format. Although we don't recommend this for security reasons, you can make that URLs accessible from the Internet by configuring your router appropriately. However, when you want to bring sensor data to one of your own servers in the Internet we recommend to make use of Meteobridge's Push Services, which will not need you to open up your firewall. Remark: In order to reach these HTTP services you need to handle basic authentification by adding "<username>:<password>@" in front of the URL.

Live Data as XML

By sending the meteobridge a HTTP request like "http://ip-of-meteobridge/cgi-bin/livedataxml.cgi" (where "ip-of-meteobridge" must be replaced by the IP itself) meteobridge returns current weather data in XML notation. Each reply starts witch tag <logger> and ends with </logger> with the sensor data as records with sensor specific tags "THB", "TH", "WIND", "RAIN", "UV", "SOLAR". Example below illustrates the XML format: