Translations:Setup Network/7/en

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Confirm Changes

When you press "Save" all changes you did on this page are permanently stored, but not applied. When you press "Save and Apply and Reboot", changes are permanently stored and Meteobridge does a reboot to apply changes completely. You have also an option to change into OpenWrt network configuration dialogs by pressing "Expert Mode", which are more advanced, but also much more complicated than settings you can do with Meteobridge. This mode is only meant for users familar with OpenWrt and with expert knowledge on networking. Once network settings are done it is recommended to press "Save and Apply and Reboot" as this will make you test, if network setup runs ok. Having done this you will proceed to setup the other parts of configuration. Please note: Without pressing "Save and Apply and Reboot" you changes (although stored and displayed on network tab) will not be made effective!