Translations:Push Services/8/en

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Individual E-mail Service

Meteobridge can send you customizable e-mails at certain time intervals. To get this service started you have to work through the following settings:

  • Send Interval: defines how often the e-mail should be sent. If you don't want to send weather data on regular schedule but want to send e-mails just on alarm conditions, set this to "on alarm only". Drop-down box next to this on the right allows you to choose how many e-mail send retries should be done in case e-mail sending does fail. Next drop-down box allows you to defne how authorization of the SMTP server that transports the e-mail into the Internet should be done. You choose between:
    • none: This setting does not send any authentication information to the SMTP server. Only servers in closed LANs will provide that (if at all).
    • basic: Old-fashioned user name and password authentication, without SSL encryption
    • tls: authentication with SSL encryption (a variant not used very often)
    • starttls: standard authentication with SSL encryption (most often used)
  • SMTP Host: specifies the IP or name of the SMTP server to use.
  • Port: port number where SMTP server listens for mails (standard ports are 25 for non-SSL and 587 for SSL communication)
  • User: user name to be used for authentication
  • Password: password to be used
  • To-Addr.: E-mail address of the recipient
  • From-Addr.: E-mail address of the sender (many SMTP servers only accept mails with a sender address being in the same domain as the SMTP server itself)
  • Body: This contains the text to be sent via email. You can use a '#' sign to separate subject from the body of the mail. This string is subject to template replacement and does allow you to use Meteobridge variables inside your e-mail.