Translations:License Terms/10/en

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Why didn't you let users pay for new releases but keep the old ones unlimited supported?

We thought about doing that, but it has the disadvantage that we have to support multiple branches, which adds a lot of complexity to our development. That would mean, that part of the additional revenue will be eaten up by backporting bug fixes etc to old versions. Going the way we did, we just have one current version and this is the one we work with and we do bug-fixing and support for. We are aware, that this means that a user might need to purchase an update license, when he is stuck at a serious problem with the latest version he has access to. But as we just take 19 Euro for 2 years of update support, we feel that this is an acceptable price for having problems solved and additional 2 years of ongoing support. As we are a very small and specialized company, it is important for us to concentrate efforts and we cannot act as the big plays by supporting multiple branches.