Weather Networks

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Meteoplug allows to feed weather data to a broad range of Internet weather networks. As Meteoplug server gets data from clients at a shortest interval of 10 minutes, sending data more often than every 10 minutes to weather networks does not make sense and is not supported. While most weather networks are not expecting to get data more often then every 10 minutes, there is one exception. Weather Underground offers a so called "rapid fire" mode, where data gets updated every few seconds. Meteoplug support regular Weather Underground mode but does not support "rapid fire" mode.


Supported Weather Networks

Table below lists supported weather networks and provides a link to these, where you can further information what the weather network can do for you. To have Meteoplug feeding the network you simply have to select it by setting the check mark near the weather network's name. In most cases you also have to provide also an ID an password which will be given to you when registering at a certain weather network. Depending on weather network data is provided by one of three modes:

  • Pull: Data is provided at a certain location at "" (where "xxx" is your Meteoplug user name and "yyy" is the file name of generated weather data). Weather networks looks at this location from time to time to read actual weather data of your station. Usually, you have to define the location where to grab your data when setting up an account at the weather network.
  • Push: Data is actively transmitted at the given interval to the weather network. This is mostly done by HTTP get request but can also be plain socket connections. In both cases sending station has to identify itself by an ID and password, which will be selected when setting up an account at the weather network.
  • E-Mail: Data is send by an email to weather network. Authentification can be done by sender address and or other credentials in the mail.

Changes are made effective after having pressed "Save".

Weather Network Scope Mode Comment
Hetweeractueel Netherlands pull
Wetterpage24 Germany pull
Wetterpool Germany pull
Borgervejr Denmark email Authentification by sender address
Regiowetter Switzerland push Authentification by ID
Wetterspiegel Germany pull Authentification by ID
Meteoclimatic Spain pull Authentification by ID
CWOP International push Authentification by ID
APRS Individual push Authentification by ID, target specified by server name/IP and port separated by a colon.
Weedal mainly Germany / Europe push Authentification by ID and password
Windfinder International push Authentification by ID and password
Sauerlandwetter Region in Germany: Sauerland push Authentification by ID and password
SH-Netz Region in Germany: Schleswig-Holstein push Authentification by ID and password
Awekas International push Authentification by ID and password
Wetterarchiv Germany push Authentification by ID and password
HAMweather International push Authentification by ID and password
Weather Underground International push Authentification by ID and password
WeatherBug US push Authentification by ID, Number and password

Selection of Sensors

As Meteoplug can handle a lot of sensors from different stations you have to define which sensors to use for reporting data to weather networks. simply select sensor IDs from drop-down lists. As a minimum set "outdoor temperature", "outdoor humidity", "pressure" and "wind" need to assigned to valid sensor IDs. Otherwise weather networks will not accept data.

Changes are made effective after having pressed "Save".

Upload Frequency

Meteoplug supports upload frequencies up to every 10 minutes. Available frequencies are 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, and 24 hours.

When upload frequency is more often then data upload interval from client to server, Meteoplug will display a warning, as this will probably not make sense.