Translations:License Terms/4/en
How permanent is this License?
It is permanent, but Meteobridge operation depends in some aspects on the existence of the Meteobridge server. This dependency is threefold:
- In standard operation Meteobridge receives the application stack from the Meteobridge server.
- Historical min/max data which would otherwise be lost when you reboot your Meteobridge device is also stored on the Meteobridge server.
- Pictures you upload to the Meteobridge server and weather data annotation to those pictures are also a server based operation.
Being dependent on the Meteobridge server, your system will in standard configuration only operate when the Meteobridge server is up and running. To reduce your dependency on that, we designed a fall back mechanism, where you add a USB stick to your Meteobridge. Each time you reboot the Meteobridge the newest application stack loaded from the Meteobridge server is also stored on that stick. When you then set "boot from USB stick" option on "system" tab, you can operate your Meteobridge on next reboot without the help of the Meteobridge server. By that you can permanently use the Meteobridge, even when Meteobridge server is no longer there. When doing so min/max values are also stored on the USB stick, so you don't even need the Meteobridge server for this. Only item 3 (picture uploads) will no longer be operational when the server has gone. As you see, you have it in your hands to make operation truly permanent even beyond the existence of the Meteobridge server. There is no planing that the Meteobridge server will be terminated. This server is a vital component of the Meteobridge project. We just want to give you instructions how to permanently run your Meteobridge even when the unlikely event occurs that the whole project including the server should by terminated in the far future.