Translations:Setup Network/5/en

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IP Addresses

You can choose between two diffrent ways to provide the IP details for Meteobrige. When you select DHCP all needed data will be provided automatically from a DHCP server in the network. Meteobridge identifies itself as a DHCP client in the network and the DHCP server (mostly your router) does send all IP configuration data to it. If you don't select DHCP, you have to insert the following data manually:

  • IP is the IP address which is used in your local network to address Meteobridge. As most home networks are using a class C network, you have to make sure that all devices in your network have IPs from the same class C network, or to say it less technical, that the first three numbers separated by dots are the same.
  • Netmask defines the size of the subnet. A class C subnet as usually used in home networks always has a netmask of "".
  • Gateway defines the IP in your local network that acts as a connector to the Internet. Normally this will be the LAN IP of your router.
  • DNS is the name server that should be used to translate domain names into IPs. In some stuations your router also acts as a DNS forwarder and handles DNS requests in your local network. If so, the IP of your router is a suitable DNS IP. If not you should use a DNS IP of your ISP or you can use google DNS which has easy to remember IP "".

When you use Meteobridge in a non DHCP mode all these manual entries must be correct, otherwise you will not have Internet connection.